Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Malaysian | ethnicity: Chinese,Hakka
Many things come to mind for a poetic artist as I(self-proclaimed),
It could be related to food and taste; my first instinctupon hearing any
For yellow, I'll instinctively think of sweet citrusaromatic lemon.
Sipping lemon tea under the dazzling sunlight, raysreflected upon
extremes of yellow shades of human coat(skin).
Meaning to say: Yellow tend to be related to Summer,that's when
people would go to the beach. Depending on the shadesor creams
you've applied, the result is that of diverse in coloration.
I'll give you one piece of information regarding tothe place I've been
living in-
"Kuning langsat", that is the name of the skin colorfor Asian Malays
living here in Brunei.
(You can type langsat in the Google search bar, it'llshow you a picture
of a fruit. Notice the color, that is what is meantby the term 'Kuning
All that is related to Asian is when someone is beingidentified with
black hair and yellow-tone skin. (That word, the firstI learnt of that was
when I was about to enter university. So, 4 to 5 yearsago... I'm more
familiar with ASEAN instead. Off-topic, let's proceed.)
My family and I based ourselves as mostly our ethnicity(Hakka) and
race (Chinese), we take no qualms regarding universalracial labels.
But if one were to identify who the Asians are, takethe word 'Asia'.
That's like the largest and most populous continenton Earth! Then
those who reside and live there would be called Asians.
Large-scale partnership and collaboration works wellin bringing us all
For small-scale, it would be like familial gatheringor business meeting.
(客家人) romaji: ke jia ren
That's my ethnicity, a branch of Chinese family tree.
As seen in the characters, the people of our ethnicitylikes gatherings a
lot. We welcome people and treat them like honorableguests; give
them enough food/snacks/drinks and talk with them.
This becomes more prominent and visible in times ofcelebration:
Chinese New Year celebration! That's when we go outvisit other
people's houses (be it neighbours and faraway relatives).And some
time in the celebration period, it's our turn to hostthe guests. Both


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