Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 203
families would exchange gifts and words- sweet note about the
child/children of the host/guest.
But because I live up in an environment further frommy hometown. I
became less fluent in our mother tongue language (Hakkalanguage).
Pretty much became diverse with the national languagesset up in the
place's educational curriculum. But I do enjoy myfamilial tradition
when I went back to my hometown during the holidays.Sense of being
close and home.
What I see may not be completely in full details.
You can say that it's from my perception; what positivethings I looked
up to.
As a poetic person who already dipped into the worldof cultural
diversity, it is difficult to really look into "perceptionrooted within
Perhaps I did have a lingering attachment while Iwas back in my
hometown. It started lessen the more I became an adult.
Then probably, yes, there is a higher chance for usto be influenced by
the people around us.
(The more we are together, the more we started topick up after them.)
When one mentioned racism, there is always a negativeconnotation
after it. I would automatically think of the (forgiveme, this is just an
example for easier understanding) 'Black and White'.It was on
repetition in history and geography classes; mentionedby lecturers.
And that was when I learned the word "racism".
So, I am unsure how to answer the last part- But forsure, it's not
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
The ones that I know of is simply based on colors-of hair and skin.
Yellow tones and a ravenette.
I, myself, can be considered in that category. Bornnaturally with black
hair and fair tanned skin.
Since I am also surrounded by the same colors, thereisn't much
negativity going on.
Except for the ones where "Chinese is good at maths,you will probably
get a high score!" kind of thinking. Hah, I am terribleat mathematics
even if I am chinese. So some stereotypes may notbe applicable; those
related to talent based on one's race is what seemsnon-sensical to me.
Talent is based on one's capability- not based onethnic nor race.
A theoretical space without racism.
The fantasy of reality, if only it is within our reach.

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