Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

smarter and more hardworking ofc they're better that (other poc)" when
in reality that's the stereotyping at play.
A theoretical space without racism.
personally, it's difficult trying to think about a"space w/o racism" and i
think that's because living with racism on the dailymakes you used to
it. i don't think i would be the same in the senseof how i act and think.
i currently live in a blue area of a swing state,so i usually don't feel
that unsafe in my home area in relation to my race,but when i'm in
certain parts of the country i get heavily remindedthat i am not white.
it even gets to the point where i'll second-guesswhether i should
speak my native language. even since i was little,i remember wanting
to be white so badly and wanting to "fit in" withthe white kids.
Honestly there's a lot of racism-related incidentsthat have happened
to me that i'd do differently now. this isn't a specificsituation but i
remember in elementary school i'd pass off blatantracism towards me
as "ig they just have weird humor". it didn't helpthat i lived in a vv
rural part of the country at a 90%+ white school atthe time.
To someone.
i'd like to say that asian-american history and strugglesare rarely
talked about. whenever we speak up on racism towardsare community
we get told we're soft, overreacting, or that it was"just a joke". our
struggles are completely valid and we shouldn't besilenced on it.


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