Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 21
Anonymous | nationality: American
To me the world yellow is not particularly offensive,I guess I’ve gotten
so used to racial stereotype jokes it doesn’t reallyaffect me anymore.
Kind of sad but that’s just adapting to where I live(The US). Me and my
friends sometimes compare how tan and or light weare and my skin
has always had a yellowish tint, but I don’t see itas a bad thing. I like
being “yellow” even if it is something that’s notseen as beautiful. It
reminds me of my ethnicity and reminds me to keepgoing strong,
because even if I am yellow it makes me stand outamongst a sea of
milky, lighter skin that I am used to. Personallyit is encouraging
because my parents have probably been affected bythe yellow
stereotype a lot, but as their kid I don’t perceivebeing yellow to be in a
negative light which they probably do.

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