Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 219
sense of pride now that Filipino food, random Filipino cultural stuff,
and travelling to the Philippines is considered, “in”now in the West.
But at the same time, I still have a hard time identifyingas being
Filipino, I just don’t relate to it, yeah I eat thefood, and I speak the
language, but I don’t share the same values. I seemyself as Canadian
first, I definitely find it easier to talk to andmake friends with people
from Canada or the States than with other Filipinos.
I guess I identify more with the experience of growingup as an Asian
immigrant in the west, the experiences related tothat than actually
being Filipino itself.
As to being Asian, that is the one facet about mewhere I feel that I
never really self-hated myself over. I was reallygood at school when I
was a kid, and as a kid I saw the stereotype of Asian= smart as a good
thing. And even when people use micro-aggressionsor say randomly
mildly racist things about Asians I just kinda turnedit into a funny
moment to deflect it. And because as I grew up I consumedmore Asian
media content, I never really thought much of othernegative Asian
So in short, didn’t really care for my “race” butI was more preoccupied
with my ethnicity.
To someone.
never forget your language, you’ll regret not keepingit as an adult.

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