Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: American | ethnicity: Indian
Nothing much comes to mind, just happy things likesunflowers and
Generally, I’d like to think Asian is defined by peoplewho were at least
once ( grandparents, parents, etc ) from the generalcontinent of Asia. I
think the combination of how, at least in America,Asian Americans are
perceived, and the similar traditions that the peopleshare is what
brings Asians together.
beautiful, rich, unknown, similar, home.
My ethnicity is homely at some times, but foreignand strange, too. Due
to growing up in a predominantly white school, I usedto turn my nose
at the thought of being seen as Indian, but as I grewa little older, and
discovered small pieces of my culture, I began toembrace it little by
little. I still don’t know too much about the placethat my parents call
home, but now when I think of it, rather than a twistingfeeling in my
gut, there’s a small wistfulness in my heart, longingto be there.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think my relationship with the stereotypes surroundingAsians has
changed quite a bit, growing up I fit into them perfectly,but the older I
got, less and less applied to me, specifically thesuperior intellect part.
A theoretical space without racism.
i think in a world without racism, it’d be a lot easierfor people of
different skin tones to hang out with each other,and maybe the first
question people would ask would NOT be “/what/ areyou?” i would
feel that maybe it is a much better place, much saferfor everyone in it.


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