Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 223
affected me in the way that people have a picture of me before they
get to know me. I’m being judged in a way I mightnot would have been
if I was white.
A theoretical space without racism.
Personaly I feel like I have been very blessed andhave not experienced
racism that much. So I think I probably would havebeen very much the
same. The only thing I can think of is maybe thatI would been prouder
of my ethnicity and background earlier in life.
I have been thinking about this question but I can’tcome up with
anything. I think I’m very open when it comes to myethnicity and my
feelings towards it. Or i just haven’t reflected onit before this question.
I can’t come up with a concrete example for a correction.But I know
that there are “small” things or comments that I wishI was brave
enough to question and make people understand thatthat’s a wrong
stereotype of asians. Like when I was younger andpeople said things
like “All Chinese people eat dogs”. Or that “all Chinesepeople are good
at math”. When that kind of comments appeared I wishI would not just
sat there quietly and agreed.
To someone.
I would have said that you’re not alone, there areso many people that
have the same feelings and thoughts as yourself. Andthat it is okay to
question and wonder about your background. Everyonedeals with
their situations differently and that is okay too.Lastly, it is not you who
need to change, it is the society.

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