Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Hilda | 23 | she/her | nationality: Swedish/Swiss| ethnicity: Chinese
I love the colour yellow, it's a colour that givesme energy and warm
and happy feelings.
If someone would refer to me as yellow I wouldn'tbe offended because
I don't see it as a bad thing. Maybe it basicallyis a way to divide people
into different groups but I don't feel that that'sthe main purpose if I'm
being called yellow. Either it's just a statementand in that case I don't
mind at all, but it could also be meant as an insultbut in that case I
still wouldn't be insulted because for me yellow isa word with no
negative vibe and additionally I like being asianso therefore I don't see
the insult in being yellow. However the reason whysomeone would
want to offend me would upset me.
I would say it all depends on what you feel. And it'snot like you're
either asian or not, you can be a mix! You can feelthe slightest bit
asian or 110% asian, in both cases you are asian.
I am adopted from China. So biologically I am 100%chinese (I think),
and at the same time I'm 50% swedish and 50% swiss.I mostly feel
swedish though since I grew up in Sweden.
I know some mixed people feel like they don't belonganywhere but I
feel the opposite, I feel that I can belong with avariety of people
I think I've been affected by the people around meand some of how
they've treated me. From the beginning I've been incontact with a lot
of people who's also been adopted from another countryor has a
foreign background in some way - both through otherparents that my
parents met in China but also in kindergarden andthe first years in
school, and my sister who's adopted from China tooof course - and I
think it made a huge difference in how I saw myself.I don't think I even
got the thought that I was different because everybodywas.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
The main difference is that I am raised in Swedenand not in Asia, so I
guess the swedish culture have affected me and mademe behave "like
a swede" and have swedish values.
I've been told that I am tall for being chinese, andI have freckles which
I've heard is quite rare among asians.
Sometimes when I got good grades in school (especiallyin maths) or
did well when I played instruments, classmates havebeen saying "she's
a chinese wonderkid" or "it's because your asian",just for fun. I didn't
get offended or hurt but they still make the assumptionthat I'm smart
just because I'm asian which is not correct.

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