Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 225
A theoretical space without racism.
Nowadays I think it's common that people tend to attractsimilar
people judged by their backround and how they look,even though they
know nothing about each other. Like I said beforethroughout school
I've often hung out with other adopted people or peoplewith foreign
backrounds, and I think that I'd feel too differentif I'd try to hang out
with groups where for example everyone looked thesame because
then I would be seen as "the Asian" whereas the othersmight be
defined with more personal characteristics. This wasvery hard to
explain, I'm not trying to generalize or anything,I hope that it's
Of course I didn't make contact with other adoptedpeople on purpose
but I guess it's natural to feel more safe with similarand like-minded
people. In this scenario without racism I think wewouldn't attract
people because of our backround, but more with ourpersonal vibe.
I would like to say that I wouldn't be so differentfrom how I am now
because I haven't been exposed to a lot of racismin my life, and to
some extent that may be true but I feel like thereare lots of things that
I don't even think about because I'm used to it.
Another thing that I thought about is beauty standards.For example
that some Asians want to be more pale or do a nosesurgery to look
more like Westerners, I don't know if that countsas racism but it still is
a thing that devides us and them. And I've sometimesthought about
that some people might not able to think that I'mgood looking
because I'm Chinese and because their beauty standardis a western
person, and I guess that wouldn't exist in this imaginaryworld.
Generally I would like to be able to give a quickerresponse when
someone says something racist or judgemental becauseoften I get so
confused and surprised that people could say thosethings so casual
which makes me unable to come up with something tosay to confront
the person. If I'm not being quick enough the momentpasses and
maybe the conversation goes on while I'm sitting thereconfused.
To someone.
Be proud and confident of who you are! I'm at leastreally happy to be
exactly who and where I am. So be proud and enjoyall the good things
in your life and the perks of being you!
Also I would like to say that we should not comparepeople (us or
others) to others - whichever nationality/ethnicity- because we are so
different! Just by comparing such differences we createunreal
expectations and unrealistic pictures of what couldbe, when in fact we
are awesome the way we are.

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