Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

N | 22 | nonbinary, he/him | nationality: Australian/Irish
firstly, the cover of yellow in crazy rich asiansfucking slaps lol. but i
have kind of a complex relationship with "yellow"because i am part
east asian and grew up in hong kong, so i feel waymore connected to
east asia than south asia, however I don't look eastasian at all. at least
in my circles growing up, people didn't consider noneast asians as
asian - like obviously they knew non east asians wereasian, but
whenever they referred to "asians", it never includedme. i even feel
alienated from "yellow" southeast asians... whilei have a lot in
common with vietnamese, filipinos, chinese malays,etc., they never
really consider me as one of their own the way theywould someone
more "yellow".


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