Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 227
Anonymous | nationality: British | ethnicity: Malaysian/Chinese
Usually when I hear the word yellow I think of thecolour itself and
how it's associated with happiness but also dangerbecause it's used in
a lot of warning signs.
In association to race, I guess the first thing thatcomes to mind is
when I was in primary school since that was the firsttime I was called
"yellow". I was confused mostly but a part of me questionedwhy and
"is my skin really yellow? Do I really look that differentcompared to my
It sort of made me feel even further away from themif that makes
sense, but that feeling seems insignificant now comparedto other
things that happened. (since personally, the wordyellow used in this
context hasn't impacted me as much as other thingsto do with race).
Uhh...It's hard to word but I think that if you'refrom an asian
country/one or both of your parents are asian thenit's an important
part of your identity and that's enough to definesomeone as being
asian (even if you weren't brought up in an asiancountry or look like
what people would consider "Asian" I guess)
I think it's important to make an effort to learnmore about the
language and culture of the country you're connectedwith since those
things can unite people who share the same connectionas you. (And it
might make the individual feel more in touch withtheir own identity, I
know it's tough).
Malaysian chinese...? (To describe my ethnicity)
When think about my own ethnicity I'm reminded ofhow I struggled to
call the UK home at first, since I moved here whenI was around 4. But
for a long long time I felt like a stranger that didn'tbelong since I felt
very far away from my culture and family back home.
I remember feeling somewhat ashamed because back then,no one in
my school knew where Malaysia was so I defaulted tojust telling them
I was chinese (just because I felt that it was bothersomeand no one
really cared either way)
I'm glad I don't feel ashamed or anything now whenthinking about it, I
want to continue feeling ok about it instead ^^ sincewe have such a
unique culture and stuff.
I think my perception of my ethnicity has indeed beeninfluenced by my
surroundings growing up but it's also rooted withinmyself at the same
The racisim that I experienced since a young age sortof made me feel
isolated so I ended up going back to my culture alot to find comfort. I

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