Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

think in a way this was positive because if it wasn't for that I wouldn't
have learnt to speak the language etc.
Even though in the past I felt shame whenever I hadto tell people (I
wasn't close to) who weren't from where I was, italways has been
super important to me and I wanted to be able to shareit without fear
of being bullied. (Which I now can :)
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Sometimes the jokes can be funny (in relation to stereotypes),I guess
after a while it just gets a bit tiring when peopleact all surprised when
they find out I'm not good at maths.
I think the bullying and discrimination because ofstereotypes like the
one where we have small eyes is harmful though, it'sthe one that I was
most bullied for even though I don't think my eyeslook like that. It's
frustrating to see things like the fox eye trend becomepopular when I
was mocked for the exact same thing they're doing.
The stereotype that "all asians are smart" can bereally harmful too. I
remember suffering from a slight amount of pressurefrom my peers
when test scores were said out loud since they allexpected me to
always do well in tests and stuff. Whenever I scoredeven slightly lower
than expected they always made a huge deal out ofit, "because Asians
are meant to be smart" I felt like they didn't reallysee me as someone
capable of making mistakes, like a regular student.
A theoretical space without racism.
It looks a lot safer to me (is my first thought),I might feel safer in a
world without racism.
Hmm, I wanna go back in time and tell the bulliesthat were mocking
my eyes that they're acting like racist, ignorantbrats instead of just
silently taking it. Younger me didn't know how tocorrect them well so
they'd learn from their mistakes.
It makes me a bit mad thinking about it now xD butI hope they've
changed for the better.
Also I'd like to reply/correct anyone who has calledme ching chong or
something similar with something like, "you're beingreally racist, grow
up" and educate them on how harmful these stereotypescan be.
To someone.
Don't be ashamed of your culture. Please pay attentionin Chinese
school, I know it's hard but learning a language isreally worth it (to my
younger self).


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