Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 23
Michelle/Hae-Min | 21 | she/her | nationality: Swedish| ethnicity: Korean
For me yellow is a very bright and obnoxious colorthat I personally
find unattractive. We see it on warning signs, flashinglights and in
candy shops. I associate it with everything that instantlycatches your
It’s so far away from what I prefer, both preferencewise and personality
wise. I know most people find the color to be warmand joyful but for
me it kind of feels fake in a way as if the colorhides a different
impression than what we perceive it to be.
I think it’s hard to define something that’s so broadlyused for different
contexts. I can say that I am Asian due to my parentsethnicity even
though I’ve never grown up or lived in an Asian country,but it wouldn’t
be the same definition for someone who has.
I wouldn’t be seen as a ”true” asian for some, butat the same time
others would categorize me as Asian due to my outerappearance. It all
depends on the eye of the beholder really.
Passionate, sometimes a bit hot-headed, a bit passive-aggresssive...
very family oriented!
I think most of my impressions do come from thoseclosest to me, my
mother, my relatives and people I’ve met in Koreaas well as Korean
movies, tv-series and the media itself brings a certainimage of the
culture and the past.
I often compare my two cultures, Swedish and Koreanas they’re so
different from eachother it does give a certain expectationor maybe
rather a stereotypical image of what I feel matcheswith my Asian
heritage. It could be biased or something flawed,but they’re equally as
present in my life.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
From a first glance i feel like most people can seesimilarities within
the Asian stereotype, general assumptions are easyto make. I’ve
experienced alot of impressions whereas a few matchthe typical Asian
trope, like being shy or excelling in a few subjects- even though
anyone could really match in those specific traitseven if you’re not
It’s harder to try and learn about people and be motivatedto dig
deeper and that’s what makes alot of misunderstandingsI think.
A theoretical space without racism.
The only thing I want in this world is for peopleto not act on violence
due to their ignorance. It’s just cruel and unfair- like I would say it’s the

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