Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 231
Kazan | 20 | he/him | nationality: Malaysian | ethnicity:Kadazan
Regarding the color yellow, I don't commonly get calledthat here at my
state, I usually would be called a Banana as in Ilook like I'm Chinese
but I speak English. So it is like they are saying,you're Yellow out, but
Inside you're White. I am not exactly Chinese butmy features do appear
like I am, so I do take it a bit offensive to be calleda Banana, but I'm
fine with yellow but wouldn't recommend it.
For me, being Asian is more to one's genetics andculture but unless
their generation is quite far from the last Asianrelative making their
Asian gene very minimal, if that makes sense?
For me, what makes someone Asian would be dependingon them
being children to people who have mostly Asian gene.When it comes
to who are allowed to call themselves Asian, I'd sayit is depending on
how exposed they are to the Asian culture and wayof life and that they
practice it regularly into their daily life.
What brings Asians together would usually be food.Being surrounded
by other food cultures or dishes sometimes could beoverwhelming for
some Asians and when they see Asian cuisines or dishes,they
sometimes would be attracted to it like it has a senseof making them
feel like they are meant to be there.
I'm Kadazan, an ethnic in Sabah. My ethnic is amongthe majority of my
state so I don't really feel out of place here.
When it comes to what I feel about it, I feel proudto be a kadazan, if
anything I feel happy to be one.
Sadly in some parts of Malaysia, we're seen as a minorityand usually
laughed upon which is somewhat a terrible thing tothink of whenever I
visit such places.
My perception towards my ethnicity is more to beinginfluenced by
those around me especially my parents.
I think that my thoughts toward my ethnicity is aneutral response to
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Well for starters, I'm not that great at solving mathquestions but I am
calculative when making decisions, and I am of averageheight but I
don't play basketball like what people would thinkI would be.
I don't really feel negative towards any Asian stereotypesas I usually
shrug it off when it comes. But that doesn't meanI like when it comes
up, especially the stereotype where all Asians speakthe same

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