Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

The similarities that I have that I think is an Asian stereotype would be
being stingy with my money, and that money is always on my mind.
Well, again, I'm not sure if this stereotype appliesto other parts of the
world and is only seen from my state, but it doesfeel rather sad that
people see us as that, stingy and money minded. Peopletend to see me
being stingy but it is more to me being careful withwhat I spend on,
and for the other one, it's more to me wanting torepay my parents for
all the hardwork they've done, which is by givingthem money once i
have a job.
A theoretical space without racism.
Well for starters, I wouldn't be afraid to travelto Peninsula Malaysia,
for some of us we don't like to go there due to peoplelooking at us
judging our lifestyle. My fear of being seen as aminority race wouldn't
be there if racism didn't exist. So without it, I'dbe comfortable to
travel more. My first thought of that imaginary worldwould be that it is
a blessing.
To answer the second question, I usually avoid talkingabout my
connections to looking Chinese as it usually wouldend up with people
asking me why I don't learn the mother tongue ( meaningthe language
that your parents speak ). But the thing is that Iam not Chinese and
neither are my parents so none of us speak Chinesebut some people
find that hard to understand.
The only correction I'd want to make regarding whenfacing people
who have those mindset about Asians, is that I shouldhave spoke
something about it to them, something to knock somereality to them.
Here at my state, we were brought up to respect thoseolder than us no
matter what, even if they are wrong. We, the younger generations,
rarely have that voice to fight back when someoneolder than us says
anything racist or labeling us with a stereotype theythought is still a
thing since 1956. I should've at least told them thatthey are wrong
and that it is rude to say such things about us Asians.
To someone.
First question, to anyone with an Asian background,I'd say " You're
Asian? Cool fistbump "
Second question, to the young me or to the youngergenerations, "
Don't let other's expectations ruin you but as guidanceon who you'd
prefer to be "
I rarely meet with people of different nationalitybut to those of
different ethnicity, " I'd really want to get to knowabout your cultures. "


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