Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

traveling, knowing I wouldn't be targeted because I'm Asian (like the
attacks that occurred after Covid hit).
Something I wouldn't normally tell others would bethat sometimes I
wish I was a "cooler" "type" of Asian, one that doesn't fit into
stereotypes. With regard to Asia, despite all itsflaws it will always be
home to me.
While in India, a group of locals started making jokesabout how
"chinks" get their names: by using onomatopoeia ofcutlery/utensils
dropped on the floor. This was my first racist experience(from what I
remember) and I was afraid and confused since I wasby myself. I wish I
could have understood what was happening and calledthem out.”
To someone.
There's a lot of racism within Asia as well so I wouldlike for us to
celebrate what we have in common and respect whatmakes us
(I'm still confused about my ethnicity as my countryis so small and a
lot of our terminology is local.)


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