Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

where it revolves around America and Europe. I do not fully understand
what I am, but I have mostly given up trying to, becauseI have decided
that it does not matter. I value all parts of me,and the things that have
brought influence, and I am neither fully one part,nor can I disregard
any of these parts of me. Doing so would be not fullyacknowledging
my identity.
I do think my perception of my ethnicity has beeninfluenced by my
surroundings/experiences, but I don't think racismhas played a part.
I've spent lots of time thinking about it.
I used to try and be as detailed as possible, butthat took time so I
began to shorten it. Kristang and Peranakan Chineseboth implying that
my heritage covered both a) local ethnicities andb) some leftovers
from whoever's come to colonise.
I don't feel very connected to my culture, but I feelthe need to say
more than "Chinese" when asked because the personasking always
asks further questions. "Why don't you look Chinese?Are you mixed?
Are both your parents Chinese?", sometimes it's "Sowhy don't you know
how to speak Chinese? Why do you speak Malay withouta Chinese
I've taken the time to try and find the words to somewhataccurately
describe my ethnicity in a way that saves me timeand effort trying to
explain things to people who don't necessarily deserveit.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I come from a fairly unorthodox family. We don't haveset mealtimes, or
bedtimes, my parents let us take control of our ownsocial lives and
leave it to us to balance it with our studies. I havechoice. From my
clothes, to my future university courses, to the friendsI keep. My
parents don't step in unless they deem necessary (ifI'm in harm's way
or doing something stupid). The way I've been broughtup has led me
to feel freer, like I didn't have to fit a cookiecutter or a mold.
I think Asian stereotypes, like all stereotypes, stemfrom ignorance.
Narrow mindedness, consumption of a small sample ofmedia. A bit of
truth, but more generalisation.
Stereotypes have not affected me much, or at leastnot that I know of. I
do feel as though I have to live up to expectations.High scores for
maths, and the sciences. Be slim, be soft, those things.Be good
enough. "Positive" stereotypes can be just as harmfulas negative ones.
Then I feel as though I have to prove people wrongon the other ones.
Score for Malay, history, those things, just so peopledon't think I'm a
racist Chinese who doesn't value those subjects. Blendin with the
majority, speak their language, wear their clothes,make it so they can't


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