Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 237
have anything against me, because we are one and the same. I suppose
this comes more from the local stereotypes againstChinese people,
rather than the normal Asian stereotypes.
I also feel like I have to put in effort to come offas educated to
foreigners. I still hate the "Wow, your English isgood/you're pretty/you
seem open minded for an Asian." comments because Iknow they've
expected less from me just because of my ethnicity.English is my first
language. I speak formally sometimes if it's whatI feel is comfortable. I
try to remain open minded, not to fight the stereotype,but because it's
what I think is good.
I don't appreciate being seen as a caricature, andI don't appreciate
being seen as the labels that have been placed onme, but myself or
others. Yes, I am Asian. Yes, I am Chinese. Yes, I live in southeast Asia.
Those traits are part of me, but I am not those traits.I am me.
A theoretical space without racism.
If I'm being completely honest, I've no idea. I'mfortunate enough to
not experience much racism besides microaggressions.I'm privileged,
so my answer isn't very good.
I know the rude comments would go away, I wouldn'tbe called racial
slurs again, and people wouldn't make baseless assumptions.But the
people I'm around are either not racist, just insensitive,or they're racist
and they've learnt to keep it to themselves.
I guess looking at the bigger picture, getting aneducation and a good
job would be easier. My race and culture would bemore welcomed in
the local community. I wouldn't feel constantly putdown or fetishized
just because of my background. Racism doesn't getin my way much
anymore, or at least not that I know of. I'm surethere's more that would
change, but racism has become a lot quieter, is howI'd put it. Subtler.
I really like being Asian and I feel very connectedto my Asian identity. I
also don't feel fully one or the other when it comesto all the things I
could label myself. It hurts when someone doesn'tsee me as "really
Chinese" because I don't speak the language and stufflike that.
Sometimes I wish I were one or the other, but mostof the time I'm just
glad I'm part of all these communities and I've gotall these little
I don't know how related this next message is, feelfree to exclude it.
I'm also aware that some of the Asian stereotypeshave truth to them,
and I'm aware that some of the things from my areaaren't exactly like,
interesting? Or they don't look good to outsiders?I don't blame people
who don't like certain things from where I'm frombut I'm always really
touchy about it. I don't mind complaining with anotherlocal but once a
foreigner does, it just makes me feel icky? That'sthe best way I can

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