Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 243
Anonymous | nationality: Singaporean | ethnicity:Chinese (2nd generation Singaporean)
Ohh yellow happens to be one of my favourite colours.I think of
sunflowers, bees, warmth and happiness. And sex jokes,because yellow
jokes is a slang for sex jokes in Mandarin Chinesehaha
I don’t think Asians (or any other race actually)should be referred to
with a colour because Asia is so large and diverse!
Anyone with an Asian heritage, or is born in, livingin and holds
citizenship in Asia is Asian. So like multiple-genAsians born in and
living in non-Asian countries are Asians; and personallyI would also
consider Europeans/Africans/etc who are born in andliving in Asian
countries also Asian.
I don’t think one can stop being Asian? Like evenif you are like many
generations down if your ancestors are from Asia,you would still have
Asian heritage and is considered Asian, even if theculture you grew up
in is American or European. For those who are biracial,I guess it
depends heritage on what the person wants to identifywith, but if the
biracial person is born in and living in Asia thenthey are definitely also
Idk I think it’s quite hard to draw a hard and fastline on who is Asian
and who is not. But in general, I think anyone withan Asian descent or
grew up in Asia and identified with the culture therecan be considered
Like I said before, Asia is very large and diverse,so actually I don’t
think there’s a singular culture that brings everyonetogether. If
anything I think there are discriminations againsteach other within
Asia or even within a single country itself. HoweverI find that food is
something everyone enjoy and so a nice meal is a goodway to bring
people together.
I am ethnic Chinese living in Singapore.
In Singapore, the majority(I think like 70% like that)is ethnic Chinese,
so Chinese privilege unfortunately exist in my country.It’s kinda like
the white privilege in America and it sucks but thereisn’t much that I
could do about it. I feel like some Chinese peoplehere are quite racist,
xenophobic and homophobic, especially the older generation.I feel
angry at them.
I choose three words to describe: Chinese, Secondgeneration,
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Well one of the stereotype is that Asians are verysmart, but I am not
smart and I fail my studies haha.
A theoretical space without racism.

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