Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

In a world without racism, every person will have equal opportunities
in life and there will be no discrimination. I imaginethat I would be the
same since I am very privileged to be unaffected byracism, but I
imagine that life will be better for so many otherpeople.
I wish I can go back to my childhood home but it’snot possible
anymore because I had been gone for so long I won’tbe able to fit in
again. I don’t know I don’t feel very deep connectionwith Chinese
culture, I also don’t feel deep connection with Singaporeculture. I don’t
know how to feel or what opinion to have.
I wish I spoke up at the dinner table when my parentsor relatives voice
racist or racial stereotyping opinions, like mostlyabout the
Bangladeshi migrant workers, but I am too scared soI keep quiet.
They always say the migrant workers are dangerous,I think in general
people are scared of other people who look different,but it’s not fair to
label or stereotype someone because of their race.


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