Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 245
Anonymous | nationality: Bruneian | ethnicity: Chinese
Well, from where I grew up, if someone called you"yellow" that would
mean ur mind was dirty. To me yellow is a nice colourbecause it
represents sunsets and when I see the colour yellowI'd feel less
anxious. If I'd be referred to as a colour I'd probablybe either ocean
blue or purple.
Hmm as an Asian we'd usually eat rice daily as partof our diet and
would be considered an Asian if u have a rice cookerat home and have
really really strict parents. Usually when I hearthe word Asians the first
thing in my head would be the "Chinese" people. Forthe culture, we
have mooncake festivals or diwali and etcetera andso and I think
these events would bring us Asians together and strengthenor bonds.
I still don't really understand the term for ethnicitybut I think mine is
Chinese. We celebrate many events like Christmas,Hari Raya, Chinese
new year etc.
I chose Chinese to be my ethnicity because well Ilook like one and I
speak it with my family and friends even though thecountry I live in
isn't anything near the Chinese culture. I think mythoughts towards my
ethnicity is neutral to racism.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Well I'm not very smart or talented, I'm not exactlygood in maths
neither since Asians are known to be overrated tobe smart and all.
A theoretical space without racism.
It'd probably be peaceful and everyone would be treatedequally and
the world would be like a tale from a storybook. I'dprobably be a lot
more nicer than I am now. I think this imaginary worldis an amazing
place but it's well, too good to be true. Indeed racismis bad and we
should all be treated equally but if we lived in aworld like this, it'd be
beneficial to most people but for some reason to methis world is a
little impossible to achieve.
Even though asian parents and families are strictwith us and pushes us
to do as much as we can but for me these cultureshas helped us to be
more disciplined and hard working and made me realisemy
Not all Asians are smart and amazing and I think it'sokay because we
can be talented in other categories.
To someone.
You don't have to be stressed out if you didn't getan A on ur exams
like how others expect you to, the most importantis that you did ur

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