Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 247
Anonymous | nationality: Canadian | ethnicity: Chinese
Yellow. I think of the sun, happiness, flowers, sand,dandelions, many
positive and mostly meaningless objects.
In general I dont automatically associate asian withyellow. It's a small
joke to me. But being that I am Chinese, the mostknown ethnicity in
asia. It wouldn't be a stretch to be referred to as'Yellow'. Thankfully I
haven't, but I don't know if I would take or shouldtake offence to it.
Referring to people of European descent as 'white'and people of
African descent as 'black' is extremely common. Itssomething I say as
well, and I'm not saying that it's bad. But to referto an asian as 'Yellow'
isnt common at all, and I've never even heard it outsideof jokes with
my asian friends. Seeing as the term yellow is neverused and isnt
normalized, hearing someone refer to an asian as yellowmakes me
assume that what their doing is intentionally hurtfulis one way or
The thought of yellow in the first place usually onlyreferences east
asians. Because east asians dominate most of the representationhere
in north America, I feel like some people may forgetthat asian isn't just
east asian, but instead refers to so many more peopleand countries. I
feel a lot of representation is missing in a lot ofnorth America for
asians who aren't specifically East Asian.
I also think that yellow automatically excludes thosewho aren't east
asian because I'm guessing yellow is somewhat associatedwith the
stereotypical pale east asians. But that's not eventrue. So many asians,
not just east asians, are naturally tan. However Iwill agree that east
asians are the most pale out of all Asians.
Overall, my thoughts of yellow are generally not racial.But if they are,
it's more associated with East-Asians.
What defines being asian, I think that so many thingsmake a person
Asian. The first and most obvious being if you havegenetic ties to an
asian country, such as parents, grand parents, oreven great
grandparents. I wouldn't really consider a personasian if their asian
genetics are farther than great grand parent.
I also think that even if you aren't genetically asian,you can still call
yourself asian if you have cultural ties. Such asbeing adopted into an
asian family, or living in an asian country. As longas you are exposed to
an asian culture, I think you have the right to callyourself asian.
One thing I will refuse to accept as asian is if someonesees it, and
think of it as something "cool" or "trendy", so youstart saying your
asian. This is even worse if you are white.

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