Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 249
Vanessa | 19 | she/her | nationality: Swedish | ethnicity:Chinese
At first, I didn't hate the word "yellow", but atthe same time, I didn't
like it either. The perception of being "yellow" generallyapplies to
being an East Asian, although being an Asian includesa great diversity.
Similarly, it's the same with the term "Asian". Asiaincludes countless
different and beautiful cultures and countries otherthan the ones in
East Asia, but people tend to forget that.
After thinking a moment, I still don't know if I likethe term or not. But,
I concluded that the term "yellow" is a way of lumpingall the Asians
into one racial category.
I have thought about these questions many times. Forme, being Asian
means that you have roots in Asia. There is no clearline where you
stop being Asian once you pass it but, there's stilla line somewhere. If
you had one ancestor that was Asian ten generationsback, maybe you
can't call yourself Asian.
I would simply describe my ethnicity as Chinese.
I choose to describe my ethnicity as "Chinese" becauseof my genetics.
But also because I speak Chinese at home and celebrateChinese
festivals and holidays.
The "correct" way maybe would be "Chinese Swede",as I can't identify
myself as only "Swede" in Sweden and only "Chinese"in China.
In Sweden, I'm not Swedish enough. I don't have thatblond or brunette
hair, or the blue eyes and because I practise anotherculture other than
the Swedish. While in China, I'm not Chinese enoughwhen visiting
relatives. I don't share the same view on the beautystandard as them
or have the same opinion as them on many things.
The truth is that I don't think I'll ever fully bea "Chinese" or a "Swede",
always somewhere between. A Chinese Swede, the sameway Chinese
in the United States identify them as Chinese Americans.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I don't think I like Asian stereotypes. We alwaysget generalised. I
remember one time when I studied very hard for a test,and in return
got a great result on. What I got to hear from othernon-Asian
classmates was "oh, that's because you have Asiangenes".
So they mean that I got a better grade just becauseof my Asian genes?
Not because of me putting I don't know how many hoursstudying for
this test? They just threw all my efforts right onthe ground.
A theoretical space without racism.
I don't know. It's too difficult. The only thing Iknow is that world, is a
place where we don't need to worry about how we look,what we eat

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