Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

when bringing lunch or the culture we practice. A place where we can
be 100% ourselves.
One thing I always think about the problem of whenAsians do
something, its seen as "weird", "cruel" or "disgusting" while when
non-POC do the same thing, it suddenly doesn't matter.Scenarios like
this have happened so many times...
The COVID-19 and the new mutated corona in Denmarkfound in minks
is ONE example of how different people can act. Barleyanyone in the
street avoids danish people after the news of themutated virus broke
out while Asians get harassed every day. If Chinawere to kill all the
minks and carelessly buried them, precisely what theDanish
government did, it would blow up. I can imagine thatso many
countries would criticize the Chinese government andverbally attack
them. But why is it that almost no one says anything?I know there
have been NGOs and people criticizing them, but whyare the people
criticizing Asians countries suddenly quiet? Why isthat? Why is it "OK"
when a non-Asian country does it? Shouldn't we beobjective?
Also, people are stating that racism towards Asiansdoesn't exist, then
what explains what we go through at the streets? Allthe comments
I've gotten basically since birth from my peers andrandom people? All
the ignorant people on the social media posting offensivethings
towards Asians? This is because racism towards Asiansis so
normalized. People don't even think it's a problem.
Lastly, why do we Asians as individuals get generalizedto the extent
that it's hilarious? (sarcasm). What the governmentdo in the countries
in Asia DOES NOT represent what we as individualsTHINK. The way
one person act does not equal to how I am as a person.
P.S. can people stop gaslighting and APPROPRIATE othercultures? Take
the criticism, learn and respect.
If I were able to correct something, it would be tostand up for myself
in elementary and middle school. I got to hear somany racist slurs,
"jokes" and gestures from other kids. Although theteachers heard
them, they didn't do anything to stop or to preventit from happening
again. It was something so "normal" that even I didn'tunderstand that
it was racism. The parents of those kids didn't evendo anything either.
"They are just playing with you". "This is how kidsplay". "Don't take it to
heart, they don't intend to be mean"...
To someone.
Never let anyone diminish your feelings. Stand upfor yourself and
other people in the same situation. Don't turn a blindeye to the racism.
Help others. Remember that gaslighting is not acceptablenor okay, but

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