Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 253
Anonymous | nationality & ethnicity: Indonesian
I feel that 'yellow' is a word generally used to referto asians especially
the more recognisable asians (east asians) who generallyare of a
lighter skin tone while us southeast asians here areactually more on
the brown side but are still regarded as 'yellow'to make it easier to
refer to asians. I personally have no problem withthe 'yellow' concept
as i am also of Chinese descent and i do have theyellow tint in my skin
colour, however this does not apply to all asiansand I personally feel
that we cannot simply just label all asians as 'yellow'as some of us are
do not have the 'yellow' tint and i feel that Itssimply implying that all
of us are of east asian descent or of the more lighterskinned asians
( chinese, japanese, korean etc.)
I believe what defines us as asian is our cultureand upbringing, we're
taught a lot of values and traditions since we areyoung that we carry
throughout our lives that really affect our decisionsand how we act
and i believe those with the asian genetics can beconsidered asian.
Genetics, culture and tradition , values. I am indonesianand indonesia
has different cultures across different states. InBali, we have many
hindu ceremonies and festivities. Everyday in themorning, there would
be offerings of flowers and rice served to altersfor the gods along with
incense and i also remember the day of nyepi whereall the lights on
the streets would all be switched off. Even the airportwould be closed
for the day, and on this day the roads would be emptyapart from the
occasional emergency services and all i can say isthe culture is really
I personally feel that it is defined by the geneticsmainly. I don't think
our perception of our ethnicity can be influencedby people and
cultures around us. Even though we may feel stronglytowards a culture
or may have been surrounded by that culture for along time, we still
hold on to our roots because it is our original identity.Here in
singapore i feel that ethnicity is not really a veryimportant factor and
is not regarded so much, so we are quite indifferentto foreign
ethnicities. Here in singapore, we have 'racial harmonyday' for all the
students and i personally feel that it has helpedus to learn to take in
and appreciate cultures from other races and ethnicitiesbut at the
same time to remember our roots and stay grounded.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I wouldn't say i differ much from the asian stereotypewhen it comes to
the expectations from parents and such, but when itcomes to
stereotypes of the foods we eat, i do believe thereare many

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