Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

misconceptions and there is definitely a lot of racism involved. For
example, the dog eating culture in china. Here inIndonesia, some
regions do have that culture as well but it is simplythat region and not
all of us and it frustrates me a lot when people whodon't understand
this make such racist remarks.
A theoretical space without racism.
I feel that it's a place where everyone can feel includedand there are
no one will be discriminated against simply for beingdifferent. I
believe in this imaginary world, there would be lesserconflicts and civil
unrests and that people would feel safer and havemore peace of mind
in their day to daily lives.
I would say our various superstitions. Many of thesuperstitions we
have now are those that we've grown up with and evenif we may not
believe and apply them that much in our lives, itis part of the culture
and is still something we hold dear. To me, it ismeaningful it has large
ties to my culture.
Asians are just like other people, we have our owncultures and
traditions and as we respect other people's cultures,we hope that they
would accept our cultures as well.
To someone.
To people out there with asian heritage, don't beashamed of your
Culture and dare to be bold of your ancestry for itis something that
keeps you grounded and if anyone dares to look downon your culture,
they are simply close minded and ignorant, so neverforget or forsake
your roots.


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