Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 257
M.A | 19 | she/her | nationality: British | ethnicity:Afghan
I think yellow is unfortunately used to negativelyrefer to East Asians
Which I never really understood since East asianscommonly have
white or tanned skin tones so maybe yellow was justused to other
Hm I guess genetics as even when people migrate todifferent
countries for various reasons and different generationsare born we still
identify as being Asian.
But I guess the shared experiences between differnttypes of asians and
their upbring is what brings them together as well.
I'm not sure what would stop making someone identifyas asian
Maybe if after mixing with other ethnic groups andthey grew up
relating more to the other rather than their Asianside that's when they
stop identifying as Asian.
Although I grew up in London I think my ethnicitystill plays a big part
of my identity.
I grew up eating afghan food and my family speaksFarsi at home.
I think about my ethnicity positively I don't thinkit's anything to be
embarrassed about.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I guess one of the stereotypes I don’t fit under isthat I didn’t take an
academic route like the rest of my family becauseI’m more creative.
It’s something most non Asians assume my family wouldpressure me
to do which I don’t like.
Since non Asians can take an academic or creativeroute and people
don’t think twice about it.
But when some one who is Asian does they think they’regoing against
what their family wants.
Another one is that people usually think of East Asianswhen they think
of ‘Asians’ which isn’t always the case since thereare so any other
countries in Asia.
A theoretical space without racism.
Hm I think maybe my childhood would be very different
Since when I was younger I would want to be more likemy white
British friends and they would point out things thatwere different like
the food I would eat and different traditions etc
So I would probably not be as pressured to blend inat a young age.
I would say some times I feel like an outsider amoungtother people
from Afghanistan (and other Asian countries in general)who didn't
grow up here as I'm more a bit more western in theway I grew up.

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