Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 259
Anonymous | nationality: American | ethnicity: Vietnamese
To me the color yellow has always corresponds withasians. I don’t
know where or how I was taught to believe this aspectbut like how we
identify caucasians as whites and african americansas blacks, I believe
asians are identified as yellow. I have no thoughtor emotions onto this
topic because asians are people of color and we arecertainly not
blacks or whites, meaning we should get a color ofour own. but i
believe the term is very vague. Asians have a bigback ground with
many different colors within the region. Such as,a region can reside
more tan people than another region. I’d like peopleto rather associate
people that are asian based on their ethnicity insteador identify them
as asian rather than using the term “yellow”.
there is no exact definition for being “asian” butthe most factual based
is being born from a family race that originated inasia. there are some
cultural aspects such as the phrase “your in an asianhousehold if
there’s a rice cooker and chopsticks” most asian’scultural background
are similar like the traditions but they are uniqueto its core. Such as
the language all differs from the regions. But thereare similarities that
people clarify as asian such as “small eyes” or “paleskin” but i believe
asians come in all shapes and forms. there is no stereotypefor asians
or any race. because as years goes by, the traditionscan change and the
stereotype will be considered false. asian isn’t justtext-book, rather
than a mixture of colors having their own independenceand features.
i’m vietnamese and i’m very proud to be vietnamese.when i was
younger i used to be embarrassed about my ethnicitydue to it being so
culturally different such as food and language. iregret never learning
or refusing to learn my language. i believe vietnamesepeople have a
beautiful nature to them such as the traditional clothingÁo dài and
how we perceive and look at thing very differentlyfrom others. we
believe that frogs and lotus flowers bring good luckand how we can
never leave over a single grain of rice. the beautyof vietnamese people
ranges quite vastly as none of them look similar.i like we have
different facial features and each person is createuniquely. we are very
strict on respect towards the elder, if someone isolder than you then
you must greet them politely and be respectful. Ifyou don’t greet them
you get disciplined as it is considered rude.
i believe my ethnicity is influenced by others andthe environment
surrounded by me. because for me the traditions andunique culture
makes up the ethnicity. my parents learned the culturefrom their
parents and became accustomed to the ethnic traditions.due to their

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