Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Diandian | 26 | she/her | nationality: Chinese | ethnicity:Han
Lemon (first thought)
The first should be appearance. Though sometimes notfair for second
or third generation Asian immigrants, who’s been growingup in
western cultures, not processing any Asian culturecodes but
sometimes still inevitably be living with the Asianlabel due to their
appearance. Compare to those who just get settledin a non-Asian
foreign country by working or studying, they are lesslikely keen to hear
themselves be called Asian. Meanwhile, the “beingAsian” label placed
automatically seems the reason which brings Asianstogether. Also
Asian is more likely a vocabulary for non-Asian people.People who are
really from Asian not always being happy to be categorizedin that way,
because they might want people to know their reallyidentity such as
cambodgien or laotian other than Asian or Chinese(sinceChinese
community is usually lager than other Asian groupes).
Express love in a discreet way; less of boundariesand distance
between people; less individualism; strong attachmentsamong family.
Feel proud of my culture meanwhile want to see somepositive
All these words chosen are based on my personal understandingof
different conventions /cultures between Asian andwestern countries.
Been growing up in Asian, and now living in Europegives me another
insight to look at my culture. The fact that peopleelsewhere are
functioning differently, certain conventions are nottaken for
granted...all these contrasts give me possibilitiesto look at my own
ethnicity with an “outside view”. There is a famouschinese poem to
narrate it perfectly : “I can not see the big pictureof the mountain
while myself is in middle of it.”.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think I’m not doing anything intentionally to makemyself differ from
stereotypes. But stereotypes do not always make senseto me such as:
eating dogs, arranged mariage, obligation to be veryhard working,
enjoy living in communities, be good at cooking...suchAsian
stereotypes are just like stereotypes that lot ofAsian people have to
westerners, they are way more behind the time. Andalso these
conclusions are just based on a few examples, theydefinitely cannot
represent every individual in this group. But peoplekeep having these
stereotypes till they’re willing to change their minds.In some points
there do have stereotypes with which I could sharesome similarities
like: be good at maths, be used to big city and crowd,feel more

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