Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 263
Taedong | 30 | he/him | nationality & ethnicity: Korean
In English society, it could be racial discrimination becasuse they do
not call Asian yellow people but call yellow monkey,which is different
to black. But for me, yellow is like feeling anxious.
Especially vivid yellow.
In my opinion, genetucs, culture, upbringing are relatedto Asian. I
didnt think abour stop being Asian..but maybe in furtherfuture, when
all countries are removed?. No one allowed it.
Discrimination and fellowship.
Culture and heritage. I did not feel any emotionsrelated to it. I am
sorry..these questions are difficult to me becauseI did not think of my
I think my ethnicity is based on the simple factsof culture and genetics
but also it could be influenced by people around me.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think I am similar to the stereotype.
A theoretical space without racism.
Actually, I was not subject racial discriminationseriously, so did not
think of it a lot. But if there was the space, therewould be fever violent
conflicts at least.
Never because I just lived for about 2 year in theUK

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