Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

CJ | 23 | he/him | nationality: Swedish | ethnicity:Chinese
Yellow to me is more and less the color itself. Ihad referred my self as
yellow quite many times before, however one of myAmerican friend
somehow told me that he felt that I’m not actuallyyellow, Asian people
aren’t really yellow, and it confused me for quitea while.
I sometime feel that, yellow isn’t necessarily badfor some of the Asian
people..Or more specifically, yellow sometime arewhat they were told
and learned to identify themselves.
I think being an Asian is defined by culture insteadof genetics.
For example, Albazinians and other ethic Russian Chinesein northern
China are also considered as Chinese and Asian. Ibelieve that as long
as people share Asian cultures they can be consideredas Asian.
Confucianism, Taoism, modest, arrogant and cultivation.
I think as my ethnicity is Chinese, I think of thingsthat in my opinion
that represents Chinese Culture... well philosophicalConfucianism and
Taoism are the fundamental of Chinese philosophy.
Where Confucianism in very simplistic words, I thinkit shows the
beauty of rules and reasons people should and willpursue rules in
their life
Where as a contrast Taoism is the complete oppositein this sense, it is
philosophically a pursue of freedom
Therefore, I sometime felt that Chinese people ormore generally
people who had influence by Chinese culture seemsto sometimes
contradict themselves
And this brings us to the second set of key words:modest and arrogant
Modest also comes from the culture and the “manners”,but with that or
with a old culture and history, people tends to getmuch more arrogant,
and sometime quite annoyingly.. don’t take criticismgracefully
Cultivation is the last word that I have thought of,which is because
that most of the culture and characteristics of Chineseand some of the
other Asian regions, I think is majorly due to thefact that they were in
an agrarian society
Instead of nomadism I mean.. well I’m not sure ifI have express the
idea clearly.. but my point is that in my understandingsAsian people
takes cultivation very seriously, and it is inbreededin the culture. This
is also the reason why Chinese people normally thinkhome and land
as their most precious thing
And by making these points, I kind of felt that thiscan sometime being
categorized as racism? In a way?


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