Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 265
Maybe stereotyping Asian? In a way?
Well... sometimes I don’t know how to understand orhave a good
comprehension of the term racism
I remember once in six-form, some of my classmateswho shared the
same ethnicity as me, believed that our teacher wasracist toward
us(especially to me). And I disagreed with that, asI kind of felt that was
entirely personal probably he did like me and Ithink that is entirely
So.. I think my thoughts about the cultures and stuffare completely
neutral as if it is going to be a response to racism.
(Well the teacher thing, I can’t really remember well...I think the
teacher wasn’t being racist, I think he didn’t meantto judge me
unfairly, I think the teacher judged base on me asa individual instead
of having any discrimination to the my ethnicity.
Therefore I think sometime different people mighthave different
definitions for racism.)
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think I actually fall in to quite a number of Asianstereotypes, for
example I am good at math, and studying physics.
I kind of can’t think of.. something I differ froman Asian stereotype..
A theoretical space without racism.
In a theoretical space without racism... I think itdefinitely will be a
great world, but I somehow couldn’t imagine how practicallyit will be
If in that theoretical world any racism comments aregone, would that
be limiting the freedom of speech in a way?
I don’t know
I think is that Asian people are just like Europeanpeople, the
diversities in cultures and perspectives within Asianpeople are huge
We normally have the tendency to generalize peopleby their
nationality and their ethnicity
Which definitely work sometimes or actually most oftimes
But I think it is crucial to understand that our differencesdon't
necessarily come from the culture, for instance, Isometimes share
much more agreements with people who have a differentcultural
background with me
And if most people believed in this idea, I thinkmaybe we would be
able to reduce racism?
I have thought about it..and eventually I felt thatactually is a
correction really needed? As a misconception mightalso give a certain
degrees of truth? As any stereotypical type comesfrom some past

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