Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 27
responsible for taking care of experiences and the
educations that I received just define they are partof me, I’m not gonna
be anti-stereotypes, but living my life as who I’mreally are.
A theoretical space without racism.
Each culture | ethnicity, language could be seen withoutany jugement.
In this space, I think I could appreciate more thisworld and people who
live here with an open heart. To be able to get there,we should learn
to deal with our own fear and prejudice. Hope we couldget there one
When it comes to dating or relationships, due to myculture I would
have certains expectations for that person. For examplein Asian
culture it’s a quite natural thing that boys takecare of girls’ bags, give
their coats to girls when it’s needed...though suchgestures are more
and more likely to be considered as old fashion orgender inequality
here in Europe. I understand feminists are manifestingnowadays to be
treated in the same way as males, privileges meansinequality,
however, these “gentlemen “ features are still partof my understanding
for men.
One or two Asian people that you encounter here don’trepresent the
full picture of that groupe, what you might hear inthe medias neither.
Not every Asian looks small, not every Asian likesworking hard, every
Asian is not good at studying or maths. Also, whenyou say Asian
people, don’t forget they might be Indian, Cambodian,Burman,
Laotians...but not only chinese, Japanese or Korean.Of course a single
word or phrase can not summarize all of them.
To someone.
I believe we must be confident with our own culture,to not to get lost
whenever we’re traveling or living in any part ofthe world.

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