Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 29
make my makeup the stereotypical way a ABG would and I had long
nails, however I don’t have tattoos, I’m not obsessedwith boba and I’m
not a “gangster”. There’s a lot of stereotypes surroundingABGs which I
don’t live up too. This stereotype is harmful causenot everyone with
makeup and long fake nails are ABGs. I’ve been approachedby older
people when in “traditional” ABG makeup since they’reassociated with
partying and sexual activities.I personally thinkthat stereotypes are
dehumanising. They’re for the most part incorrect,racist and hurtful.
I’ve been told that I’m not a true Asian because imnot smart enough.
A theoretical space without racism.
In this imaginary world, everyone would be free tolive as they want
and not be constricted by stereotypes. I personallydon’t let stereotypes
decide what I can and cannot do. If we take ABG asan example, I know
the risks of being approached by people, but I stillwent out with
makeup and outfits that had the ABG aura. HoweverI would feel a lot
safer in this hypothetical world. But overall I thinkI’d act the same.
I usually avoid thinking about ethnicity because it’sa complex topic
especially, at least for me, when you’re adopted andit isn’t that straight
forward. A lot of people think their ethnicity isa big part of their
identity, which is not the case for me. My view ismore, I am who am I
am. When I was younger I wanted to “swedify” myselfto fit in. However,
because I went to a very multicultural school withpeople from all over
the world and from different backgrounds, my viewquickly changed
because I fit in. But when I started at Nacka, thefeeling of not fitting in
arose again. Being the only Asian person in the classand having
classmates that liked being problematic. They weren’toutright racist or
xenophobic but they weren’t not racist or xenophobiceither. When
asked about my ethnicity I give people the answerthey want mostly
being “I’m adopted from China”, but I’m still conflictedover my
ethnicity. Because, as mentioned earlier I am notSwedish enough to be
Swedish and not Chinese enough to be Chinese.
Stop the fetishisation of Asian people. Just becauseI look like an ABG
doesn’t mean I want to sleep with you. I would’veliked to slap the old
guy too who approached me. I would’ve also liked totell my
classmates to stop being borderline racist and xenophobic.But just in
generally to society to stop with the harmful stereotypes.
To someone.
Society can either be your worst enemy or your bestfriend. Your
diversity is what makes you unique.

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