Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 31
Marcus | 23 | he/him | nationality: Swedish | ethnicity:South Korean
Not the colour of our skin, yet the colour we areused to be painted.
I would say being Asian is something we are born as.It is not
something we stop being due to in my case adoption.Everyone with
heritage from Asia are allowed to call themselvesasian in my opinion. I
would say prejudices brings Asians together and food!!
South Korean, I feel like I have a lot to discoverabout the culture, food,
people due to being adopted from South Korea as aninfant to Sweden.
Influenced definitely, I feel my ethnicity has affectedme deeply
regarding racism in a negative way, as a consequenceof personal
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Loves the sun and getting tanned.
A theoretical space without racism.
About 6 years ago I got verbally harassed on the trainhere in
Stockholm regarding my Asian attributes. Sitting withmy best friends
having fun on our way home to the hotel from a nightout. These guys
on their way out from the train starts shouting aggressivestuff and
spits on my friend, who are defending me. After thatincident I tried to
disconnect from everything connected to Asia. Nowa few years later I
been starting to discover more and more about Asianculture etc. I
would say that experience is the most haunting momentin my life and
still impacts me to this day.
To someone.
Smile and people will smile back ♥

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