Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: British | ethnicity: Chinese
the word "yellow" reminds me of the colour of EastAsians;
the word "yellow" reminds me of happiness and positivity;
the word "yellow" reminds me of to stay alert andbe cautious.
I think being an asian doesn't necessarily means yourblood must "come
from an asian country", I believe anyone who was bornin Asia, despite
the fact that their ethnicity might not be asian,they can still call
themselves "asian". I would say this is a personalchoice.
Chinese. majority. and proud.
those chosen words defined who I am, where I'm from,and how I feel
about my culture. my life style and behaviour areshaped by my
upbringing and the society I grew up in, which isHong Kong. I'm not
usually easily influenced by my surroundings, unlessI want to be
influenced- because of this, I don't usually pay toomuch attention to
how others (especially those j don't know of) think/see about me as an
individual/ asian/ chinese (negatively).
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
everyone's unique and special in a way, sharing thesame ethnicity/
background/ culture does not make everyone in thatethnic group the
same. Putting people into stereotypes is unfair tothose individuals, and
it's annoying. "ni hao", "do you eat dogs", "you r rich", "u must be good at
maths", etc.. these are some of the things non- asianpeople have said
to me during my time in the uk. although these questionsmight seem
nothing to some people, but they really bother me,and most of the
time I wouldn't even know how to respond.
A theoretical space without racism.
the world would be a happier and better place. Everyonecould do
whatever they love, be whoever they want to be, andjust enjoy little
things in life.
I think I would be braver, and a more confident personin a world with
no racism.
if I was brave enough, I would definitely speak upfor myself and for
others whose experienced/ experiencing racism. asiansoften seem to
be the "easy" target when talking about this topic,with or without a
reason. I wish there's a way to correct people's misinterpretationof
"asians stereotype", stop blaming everything on usand accept the
existence of diversity in the world.
To someone.
"don't be afraid to be different",


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