Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Wilma | 22 | she/her | nationality: Swedish | ethnicity:Chinese
The saying ”gult är fult” and lemons  It ariseskind of mixed feeling,
I’m proud to be Asian but the way we’re depicted givesme a sour taste
in my mouth. The people who’d call Asians “yellow”are the same
people who say “Ching Chong” to us on the street,which is disgusting.
I’d say you stop being Asian when you no longer havea connection to
the culture. So if one is a fourth generation mixedAsian with no
emotional or cultural ties to the Asian culture onewould probably not
consider themselves Asian. What brings Asians togetheris the culture,
and for many Asians living in non-Asian countriesit’s the sense of
community. Being adopted specifically often comeswith a sense of
detachment from the culture we were born into. I believejust
interacting with other Asians and be able to relateto someone that
looks the way we do and has the same experiences bringsus closer
quicker and create a stronger bond.
I view my ethnicity as part of a culture, a senseof belonging. I want to
be proud of it and I want people to respect it.
I believe ones ethnicity is rooted within oneself,but it is also
connected to a culture. Whether one wants to be partof that culture is
up to them, but there is a natural connection betweenthe two. I think
the people around you deeply affect the way one viewstheir ethnicity.
If one has negative experiences with racism in relationto ones
ethnicity repeatedly at a young age it will definitelyshape the way you
view yourself.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Asians aren’t often fairly portrayed in media, causingmany of the
stereotypes to be projected upon Asians in a bad way.I tend to
somewhat fall into the stereotypical Asian. Good inschool and at work,
follow the rules, don’t really question authorityand not “too”
outspoken but still social. Overall I don’t like theperception of Asian
stereotypes, as they are often used to make fun ofus.
A theoretical space without racism.
A dream. It would be paradise to live on a world withouthate based
upon the color of ones skin.
I’ve told a few people this before so it’s no secret,but for a long time I
felt no connection to Asia. When visiting the countryand experiencing
the culture I was born into didn’t really interestme. However, during
later days my interest in the Asian culture has increasedand I see the
beauty in it.


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