Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: American | ethnicity: Chinese
Hmmm I think in context of this, I can relate to EastAsians being
referred to with the Color yellow (ie yellow fever).In every day life
though, I feel like I don’t necessarily have thoseconnotations attached
to the Color (I’m an “””artist””” so I just thinkof yellow things when I
think of the color. Like school busses. And bananas.And jaundice).
Fun anecdote: in Singapore, people like me and mysister (asian
Americans) were called “bananas” Cus we were yellowon the outside,
white on the inside. That’s a mood.
Aw man that’s hard. I guess that’s a weird one becauseI would say it’s
up to you to decide, because obviously ethnicity,but also family,
history, etc? Like there are people who may not beethnically Asian but
be adopted into an Asian family and I’d call themAsian. But also it’s
kind of up to them to decide, they May not call themselvesAsian. It’s
hard because I’d say “it’s up to you to label yourselfthat or not” and
anyone can? I guess??? But idk if you have no ethnic,family, cultural
link or anything like that, maybe you aren’t? Whoknows?
What brings Asians together ... The large continentof Asia ... I suppose
HAHA. Culture, history, language, religions, things like
food/music/stories/games/etc that all kind of fallunder culture. Just as
any other!
Like. Middle East counts as Asia, right? but I knowit’s not the first that
comes to people’s minds I guess when they think ofAsian culture (often
I assume people think of east and south Asian).
My ethnicity is “chinese-ish”.
I usually just say I’m American and wait for the confusedlooks before
saying “but born in china” and then see people nodand then go “but I
say I’m American because my mum is from New York”and just wait for
the confusion to come back and the occasional personto conclude I’m
I don’t see myself as really Chinese so it’s hardto define myself by my
ethnicity. Easier to define myself by my nationalityand my
upbringing/my family.
I don’t have much memory or connection to China orother parts of Asia
really because I was Smol when we lived in singapore.I feel more
comfortable with Latin American culture than Chineseculture haha
I’m not sure if the words are meant to be like adjectivesor just words
that kind of are like “what determines your ethnicity”(to me I’d say


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