Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 41
If adjectives I’d just be like “confused”/“mixed” because I’m a salad bowl
of mystery.
I always kind of felt like ethnicity was just geneticsand wasn’t
something that could really be altered? But I guessfor me, I don’t
define myself by my ethnicity. Because I don’t havethat connection and
I never felt I was “Asian enough” because I didn’tspeak any Chinese
language, nor did I grow up really in an Asian country?
Language has always felt like a big barrier to mebecause I couldn’t
understand what people around me were saying, andwhile I just
chilled with English speakers, outside of school,everyone had their
preferential language and it wasn’t English haha.
I think my slight rejection/distance of ethnicityis a neutral response : I
don’t think I’m necessarily ashamed or anything ofmy ethnicity, more
like I’m ashamed to not fit the mold that I feel Ishould fit? (Mostly
language and culture knowledge). I was fortunate ishto grow up in
international schools so I didn’t face bad or stronglyovert racism,
mostly just people’s expectations based on stereotypes.
Exception: kinda now in 2020 when people look at urChinese face and
go “o no” and u gotta tell people “no I’m not chineseI’ve not been to
China since I was BORN”.
Please let me ride public transport thank u.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I can’t speak any “Asian language” I only have onelanguage and it’s
English!!! I’m bad at STEM things and especially math!Im very
(Also there’s kind of this stereotype that I’m notsure is one, but I feel I
have to explain it a bit; asian kids and their relationto their parents,
how often Asian parents are very strict or may bepressuring children to
go into a certain career and mine is not like thatfor the most part? I
never related to the Asian stereotype of “my parentsonly want me to
be a doctor or lawyer” kind of thing).
These are things that definitely make me feel likeI’m not fitting the
Asian stereotype!
Things that fit my Asian stereotype is just my undyinglove for a lot of
(mostly) east asian food and flavours? So at leastfood was kind of a
thing that helped me bond with some of my Asian budsgrowing up
(Idk if it’s a stereotype though, us eating our food.I guess because I
have Asian Imposter Syndrome at least I’m glad toknow I can
appreciate asian tastes).
Another thing I am is quite quiet/keep my opinionsto myself? I know
there is that stereotype that Asian people are quiet/timid/less
opinionated. I feel like that’s my personality thingthough and I’ve met

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