Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

so many opinionated Asian friends; I feel like it depends on
cultural/familial expectations, how safe you are tosay certain things,
Asian stereotypes are interesting because some ofthem I see as
Like the stereotype that Asian people are book smart;and that often is
true, but not naturally; growing up, so many of thekids were pushed
strongly by their parents, many attending extra schoolingon weekends,
they were strongly pressured to achieve high grades.Also that they
exceed in STEM subjects which I feel also, many arepressured into.
Although of course there are those who just enjoythe subjects.
Also stereotypes that Asians are hard working, whichthey are!
Also they are good at saving money! Which I thinkmany I’ve met are,
I feel like there are many positive Asian stereotypesthat I don’t fit in,
so I feel like I’m an Imposter Asian.
And then there’s the really silly ones that are bournefrom ignorance
Like the “Asians eat dogs” one which I’ve never reallyencountered but
always heard of that’s just confusing how it becamesuch a big one to
And the “Asians have squinty eyes” which is just peopletaking only one
type of Asian and projecting that to everyone. I’vebeen teased for
having squinty eyes, but I myself was more distressedabout my flat
nose even though nobody pointed that out to me.
So long story short, I feel like “good”” Asian stereotypes set up
expectations that I should meet and then I felt likeI was failing when I
wasn’t (not speaking the language, not being goodat STEM subjects
etc) and the “bad” ones seemed kind of silly and farfetched and I never
saw those be proven true, unlike the “good” ones sothose never
bothered me much.
A theoretical space without racism.
I feel like it’s a bit hard to imagine what a theoreticalspace without
racism looks like at times. I can imagine the absenceof things like hate
crimes, hate speech, segregation etc; I can imaginea more equal
division of different races of people in the workforce.The lack of racism
meaning people can be more open to expressing themselvesand their
culture? There’s the current battle in some cultureswhere they feel
they are losing their cultural roots with the youngergeneration in favor
of “modern” culture trends like clothing, music, consumer lifestyle etc?
Which is more (idk the word like. Anglo-centric orsomething). Like I
see it here in the UAE (at least in Abu Dhabi andDubai) where the


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