Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 43
culture at times seems less visible. But I can’t take my word for it
though bc I am not emirati. But I know it’s the sameissue in India (Cus
people say so).
I feel like I’d act the same, I don’t have much ofmy “culture”” that I
necessarily hide, however I feel like I’d just bemore open to the fact
that I’m an unconventional mixed bag of culture? I’ma
Chinese-American adoptee who speaks English and somebad Spanish,
who has never lived in the US, but has lived in Singapore,Moscow,
London, Panama and Abu Dhabi. (And now is moving toIndia fjjdsh) I
would feel maybe less ashamed because I don’t belonganywhere.
And I feel like racism makes you feel “othered”. Especiallyif you don’t fit
in any category.
I guess my final thoughts are, it’s hard to imaginewithout feeling like
things are too unrealistic or unattainable. Racismdoesn’t stem (in most
cases) from people just consciously choosing to beracist, but the way
they were Raised, their experience growing up, theassociations they
made, things they were taught, limited exposure todifferent races etc.
A non racist world in my eyes would mean differentareas and cultures
would change and mix and the whole groups of peoplewould have to
shift around in some cases?
Racism is higher in remote places like rural spaces(in most cases)
because people aren’t exposed to a variety of culturesand people;
however it’s less tolerated and common in urban places(think cities
like London with people from all over the world).Would a non racist
world just be city?
Of course these are my ramblings and things are muchmore complex
than this aaah but ye those are my thoughts!
I think in general, I guess my identity is a mixedbag and I find that I
feel so many people strongly identify with one ortwo things (usually
their own or their parents identities) and it’s kindof strange for me,
because I feel like I don’t identify with anything“good enough”. I am
not American enough, despite my nationality, becauseI never lived in
America, my parent has an unconventional-ish lifestyleand I grew up
all over. But I never lived in one place long enoughto feel comfortable
or like I belonged. My biggest shame is never learninglanguages,
because I feel like language is such a big barrierfor me? It’s always the
walk of shame I take when someone looks at my veryChinese face and
assumes I speak Cantonese or mandarin. I rememberat uni being
invited to the Chinese Society by a girl who juststarted speaking to me
in mandarin, and when I told her Sorry, I couldn’tunderstand her, she
just slowly took the flyer back from me and apologised.

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