Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 45
Leo | 19 | he/him | nationality: American | ethnicity:Taiwanese
I try not to react too much, but Ik that inside Ido feel at least a little
upset depending on the context.
I think blood. I believe that people are born withthe identity that they
have, but they choose whether they want to learn andbe proud of it.
Taiwanese, both parents are from Taiwan. Many of theTaiwan or Asian
holidays come to mind. I’d say pretty unknown, especiallyin history,
Taiwan is considered “new”.
I honestly think for me, it’s all of those things.I never knew what to
think of my culture until the recent 3 or 4 years.However, I think that
environment, the people I was around. Those factorsreally formed my
perception of what Taiwan is for me.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I can be pretty loud and assertive about my opinions.I don’t mind
confrontation, and I’m pretty weird sometimes. I’mstudying music
production, all my interests are media/art related.
A theoretical space without racism.
People don’t have to be scared without there actuallybeing a reason.
Ex. When COVID started asians faced a rise in racism.I didn’t want to
wear my mask because I thought if I did, I could beattacked because
people would think I have it. In an idea world I wouldn’thave to worry
about these issues. In an ideal world I feel likecultures could be shared
without the fear of it getting made fun of.
I’m not too sure if this works as an answer. However,I’ve felt very
divided as to my cultural identity since I spent halfmy in America and
half of it in taiwan. I never felt like I was trulyTaiwanese. Everytime I
hear someone tell to me to adhere to the Asian stereotypesI feel as if I
need to be that American Asian rather than me. I’mnot sure honestly
what I’d describe it tho.
I’ve had experiences of people making the “fox eyes”thing to me.
Honestly I would’ve told them to stop, if they wereactually adults. In
which case I would tell the parents to educate thekiddos. People
making fun of me wearing a mask, this doesn’t reallyseem racist tbh
but I’m still putting it here, I wouldve just toldthem we’re in a
pandemic. Honestly, I think I personally haven’t experiencedtoo much
racism, but I currently live in an area that doesn’tease the stress or
fear that comes with being a minority.
To someone.

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