Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 47
Hoang | 22 | she/her | nationality: Dutch/Vietnamese| ethnicity: Vietnamese
Considering this interview was about racism, it probablyalso affected
my thoughts since my first reaction when reading "Yellow"was a sense
of discomfort. I feel like yellow in this contextvery much relates to my
identity, my skin. It's what has separated me fromeveryone else being
born in the EU. Although I'd like to say that I holda lot of love and
pride for my origins, and thus being "yellow", itseems that for me,
regardless of that love, I still am more affectedby the negativity that
has come into my life for being connected to "yellow".
Defining being asian is a very difficult questionand can also be
answered in many different ways. I would say thatanyone that is
ethnically Asian, is Asian. However this can get quitedifficult if we
think of it scientifically since we're all connectedsomewhere. So in that
sense I would say that those who have ancestors orconnections to
what we currently define as Asia, to be Asian. HoweverI personally also
think that the elements of culture are also somethingthat shapes who
is Asian. It might be a bit old-fashioned but I canbe morally quite
traditional. Being respectful, caring for your familyand generally trying
to be as good and hardworking of a person that youcan be. So
whenever I do see some people from my generation oreven those
older or younger, when they act against those standards,I would say
"westernised" for a lack of better terms, I do oftencatch myself saying
"Wow are they/you even Asian? Are you not ashamedfor behaving that
Because to me being Asian has so many moral connections.The reason
I use Westernised, even though I just said it wasfor a lack of better
terms, I honestly think its more because the few Asiansthat I do have
in this country, they often acted morally questionablejust to fit in with
the Western crowd and Western ideal. Although, obviously,I can't pin
morals to being a certain race, I'm very much awarethat it's something
that differs for all kinds of people, however thatsense of responsibility
I have for this cultural ideal moral that has beeningrained in me since I
was young, makes me think of it as being part of whatI personally
would consider for what an Asian is.
It's kinda funny since I look far from the asian traditionalideal, since I
have a lot of tattoos and people might see mee andthink of me in
certain ways. My mindset however is very much definedby these
culturally affected morals.
Waterlily, Passion, Family, Love and Kindness.

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