Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

These words are all words that are connected to Vietnam, the
Vietnamese people, the Vietnamese culture and my family.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
First off, I'm not that great at math. Apart fromthat, I have quite some
big vissible tattoo's which is generally quite frownedupon and also not
expected of an Asian. I love tattoos. I think it'ssuch beautiful art and
it's a way to express myself but also give me confidencebeing in my
skin. Although I do not necessarily show it, I amstill quite insecure, so
these tattoo's creates a sort of protection for meagainst negativity.
Although tattoo's nowadays also relate to this ABGstereotype trend, I'm
also very far off from an ABG, considering I do notwear Western style
make-up or fashion style nor do I like going out toparty. And I also do
not drink or smoke, so I guess that also puts me outsidethat
I'm also not studying to become a doctor, althoughI have studied law
for a bit. I'm currently doing a double bachelor bothin humanities,
which is, I assume, also not really following thestereotype.
I also don't stay quiet.
I think a lot of people from the newer generationsare standing up for
themselves more, so contrary to the belief that wejust accept stuff and
stay quiet, I believer a lot of us are going againstthe stereotype
Hence why I never stay quiet and always openly andhonestly speak my
A theoretical space without racism.
It would be a world where I don't get random snidecomments whever I
go, where I do not need to be scared something badmight happen
because I look different and where I wouldn't needto ever feel
ashamed of who I am or where I came from.
I personally don't bring any of this up unless somebodyasks me about
it or where there is a discussion related to thistopic where it would be
helpful for me to share my stories. So if I were tobe asked I would
freely share, however I don't think I would walk upto somebody
casually and talk to them about this out of no where.I won't force
anyone to listen to me.
I would've told every single person off that maderacist remarks to me
when I was younger and I would've educated them onthis topic.
To someone.
You don't need to change to fit somebody else's views.Stay true to you
and what makes you happy. Be unafraid to stand upbut always stay
vigilant. We're living in times of possibilities,so now even more than


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