Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Paula Schönning | 25 | she/her | nationality: Swedish| ethnicity: Chinese
I have a yellow rain jacket which I love. To me it'ssuch a bright and
happy colour! I would say I feel happily yellow init but also happily
yellow without it!
Hmm... not sure! I'd say genetics plays a big rolein who's asian or not.
Asians usually have certain features in appearencethat differs from
other etnicities.
Asian looks, swedish manners.
I feel like my apperence is the only thing that makesme asian since I
was adopted as a baby. My personality, values andlife experiances are
simillar to most Swedes' which makes it easy for meto make Swedish
friends and fit in the society. In addition, my asianappearence makes it
easier to make asian friends and also other nationalitiesseem to feel
more at ease contacting me. This is a positive thing.And I am greatful
for that! 
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I guess I'm not that good at math which are a usualstereotype and are
maybe precieved a little fuzzy. However I do playpiano, study hard and
did gymnastics before which people tend to commenton in primary
school. I mostly saw it as positive things thoughthat I wanted to be
good at.
A theoretical space without racism.
I guess no one would ask about or react because ofmy apperiance and
I would feel more like one in the crowd. I'm not surehow it would feel
actually. I think my ideal appearence is linked towhite charateristics
since I'm so used to see that (proabably related toracism) and without
rasism I might feel more idealistic. However it mightalso feel a little
bit boring, often I like to not be like everyone else.
Sometimes I feel like my asieness is fake since Ilack both asian
language and culture. Then it feels more like an assesoarthat you can't
take off and which make you feel special (sometimespositively,
sometimes negatively). People expect me to know thelanguage/culture
which can be a bit anoying since they sometimes getdisappointed
when I don't know it. However I've stoped taking itpersonal, I too am
intrerested in a persons origins if they look differentand asking about
it is not something people do to be mean or so.
On the other hand, I think it would be weird if Iknow a person and
he/she/they never asks about my orgins since it'ssomething I'm proud
of and wants to be open about.


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