Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: British | ethnicity: Indian
Vile people describing East Asians. Ignorance.
Being born in Asia, i believe. Living there for anextended amount of
time if we're talking citizenship. Or being descendedfrom Asia if we're
talking ethnically Asian.
I understand that there are traditions that existin Asia. Practices that
exist in Asia. But i believe that the definition of"Asian" is purely in
relation to the geographic continent.
Confused. I come from an Indian background but I knowmore in
english than in Hindi or Telugu. I don't celebrateIndian traditions but I
can watch Indian movies. It's like my mother tonguehas dementia. I
enjoy Indian food even though i can't pronounce mostof them. I feel
there's an ethnic dissonance within me.
I guess I chose it for the reasons mentioned earlier.My attitude
towards my ethnicity has been moulded by others' attitudetowards my
ethnicity. Living in Britain, the country that wasbuilt on pillaging India
and has the audacity to make us pay to view the stolengoods- whoops,
i mean "Crown Jewels", has been a factor into howI view my ethnicity.
I've grown to treat racist comments like gnats. They'llshow up here or
there, and might even swarm you. But you can't letthem keep on going
on about your day. I just ignore them and accept themas a part of life.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Well, I have a poor academic performance and I don'thave the
ambition to go into law or medical science. I'm justtrying to get by and
I'm pretty easy going as opposed to being high strungand studious.
Asian stereotypes have maybe not effected me all thatmuch but I fear
that people will picture something of me just fromhearing my name
and I won't live up to that.
A theoretical space without racism.
Just a void, I suppose. Racism stems from human history.A space
without human history is a blank nothingness. ButI don't think that's a
bad thing. I would be able to just simply exist. Freefrom judgement
and labels where my skin tone isn't the honey thatattracts insects but
the nectar that exists within the flower, pure andunaltered.
Honestly I feel very disconnected from Asia. I feellike being accepted
as an Asian is pretty much out of reach. And it'sa shame as I don't see
myself as British either. It's like being ethnicallyhomeless, just living
on the street where the pavement is your passportand passers by
throw scraps of approval your way.


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