Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 53
I'd say that India is in such a state because of thecolonizers destroying
it. Britain seems to love pitying or ignoring theplight of the people
they once had under their heel. I don't get a lotof the east asian
stereotypes because I'm not, but i have friends fromChina and
naturally when Coronavirus became associated withChina, these
friends were ostracized in school at a time isolationwas already
siphoning enjoyment from everyone else. I'd correctthose bullies and
say that making fun of Asians will not add inches.We need to work
together, not against each other. Good Lord.
To someone.
Feeling like you've been uprooted from your culture,and rehabilitated
from your ancestors is not an uncommon thing. Butdon't let the space
between you and your ethnic history widen if you don'twant it to. You
can fight the current and swim through to reconnectwith it all. It's like
salmon coming home on migration. There's racists withtheir gnashing
jaws that will eat you alive if you give them thechance. But if
reconnecting with Asia is worth that journey home,then go for it.

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