Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Canadian | ethnicity: Chinese
the first thing i think of when faced with the word“yellow” is the colour
yellow and that’s it. it can be a really pretty coloursometimes.
if you have asian blood then you’re asian
that was a very vague take sorry.
don’t really feel too great about it since i’m forgettingmore and more
chinese as time goes on and i don’t really take partin many traditions
either so
for the most part it’s just “eh” i guess.
the first part was definitely influenced by the peoplearound me
second part might be a neutral response to racism??sometimes i wish
my ethnicity wasn’t so obvious but i’ve learned tojust shrug off what
people say i guess
it’s not like i get a lot of comments either— gratefulto live in a
not-so-racist town.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
i’m not that smart, i’d consider my english prettygood (mainly because
i grew up in an english speaking country)
stereotypes are annoying !! it’s like a gateway forinsults to come
however i do relate to “asians are bad at sports”i don’t like sports in
general and i suck at them.
A theoretical space without racism.
oo i won’t have to worry about not getting into certaincolleges or jobs
because of my race.
some people think asians just have one skin tone andthat’s it
no they have a wide array of skin tones that’s whywe’re “poc” yk
asia isn’t just japan china korea etc there’s otherstates too
To someone.
racism sucks ❤


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