Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 55
Ajr | 22 | she/her | nationality: Indonesian | ethnicity:half Javanese-Balinese
Positivity and happiness. The color yellow is brightlike the sun so it
also giving an energetic warmth feeling.
Those who genetically asian and embrace the asianculture and uphold
the tradition. The unique traditions of each asiancountry is what make
them asian.
I'm half Javanese and half Balinese, two ethics thathave a lot of
similarities yet also different. That alone makesme struggling because
sometimes people saw me not balinese/javanese enough(by the way i
speak, by my physical appearance, etc.). We have alot of traditional
ceremonies for many things, strong etiquettes andmanners especially
when interacting with someone older and have a thickunique accent.
I think it really affected by my surrounding. Sincethe people around
me become my interpretation of what should and whatshould not be
the representative of my race. There will be timewhere these identity
become part of racial insult. But that also the reasonwhy i thought i
need to held it with proud, because i believe it isnot something funny
and rather part of my identity.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Since the asian stereotype is a bit east_asian centric,I don't match with
most of the physical stereotypes. My eyes are big,I don't have black
thick hair, my skin is not white.
And I don't have the ability to do math .
This stereotypes really makes me uncomfortable wheninteracting with
people. I don't have the obligation to explain howthere are many types
of asian features to anyone, but also have the urgeto tell them that
their concept of asian is not really correct.
A theoretical space without racism.
I can befriend people without being cautious aboutlabel. I will finally
able to go abroad, wearing old t shirt and old pantsand not judged as
migrated labor worker.
There it time where I accept the stereotypes peopleput in me as an
asian, and just go along with it. But as I grew olderi realized that I can
speak louder on how uncomfortable I am that time.I want to tell
people that the one they saw in entertainment mediaare models and
actors/actresses. I wan't to tell them that in reallife, people are more
diverse. We, are just like you. Have flaw and variousinterest. You can't
make assumptions about us just because you saw asianpeople in
movies or you know one or two asian people. Asia isa big continent.
To someone.

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