Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 57
Anonymous | nationality: American | ethnicity: Taiwanese/Chinese
Yellow is a color of happiness, typically. It’s alsoa word used to
describe skin tone, whether it be in a malicious orjoking way. I know it
has a negative connotation in places. I’ve had friendswith Asian
ethnicity make jokes about the color.
Theoretically speaking, the most basic definitionwould to have an
ancestry. Though, I believe that culture is also importantto respect and
not appropriate. In fashion, there is a fine linebetween what can be
considered as “Asian” clothing and what is consideredas appropriation,
often of a generalization of all Asian cultures. It’simportant to
recognize that there is more than just an overarchinggeneralization to
thousands of cultures.
I find that shared culture brings people together,unintentionally or
intentionally. Shared experience and upbringings connectsus together.
I think of it as a large web of many intertwined areas.There’s individual
parts, but there’s also parts that branch off froma specific area.
I always had a thing about having concepts intertwinedin webs ever
since I started thinking about aspects of the worldcollectively, instead
of thinking of it in a fragmented fashion. I thinkmy perception of
ethnicity stems mainly from academia and environment— so that I’m
still definitely developing a perception. I’m blessedto be in a
community that’s very open and active in pushing culturesin positive
ways, as well as having friends of many differentethnicities in addition
to ones who share my own ethnicity.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think the stereotype sort of creeps onto you aftera while. I’m not
good at math, nor science, nor engineering. It feelslike in a way I am
falling behind my peers. I’m sort of what you callthe opposite:
interested in literature, arguably not as competitive...
Especially when thinking of the future, sometimesthese stereotypes
come into play by pressuring. There’s a reason whypeople are so
successful when they pursue a career like in medicalor the sciences.
Sometimes I wonder if the whole “Asians pursue STEM”is because
more success stories comes from it.
A theoretical space without racism.
People are viewed beyond their race. Jobs won’t considerlast names in
their applications as a determining factor, or a sortingfactor. I don’t
have to walk outside in fear of being called on forsomething I don’t
know how to respond to. I don’t have to hear abouthate crimes on the

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